This is already the lastest news of 2024. It was a vibrant year in which we achieved wonderful things in Lumbo and on Ilha de Mozambique! In addition to the usual activities, this was also a year in which a number of major projects were completed. For example, the solar panels were installed last November and they already provide the Centro Comunitario, the Escolinha and the Maternidade with electricity. The Festival d’Arte 2024 also took place and was again a great success.

For 2025, we are working on realizing a plan to send (Dutch) midwives to Lumbo on a regular basis as volunteers. In addition to making an important contribution to the daily midwives´ practice with their knowledge and skills, they will also give courses. It appears that there is a great need for this.



The new Portuguese books (brought from Brazil by Robert and Debbie) and materials were brought to the library and were immediately put into use.

The school holidays have started and the new school year will start in February.

Throughout the year there were 85 children, with whom we regularly did extracurricular activities, such as reading, drawing and painting and during the festival also music. Every week moringa bread rolls are donated, made by the local baker, and the vegetable garden at the Community Center also contributes to healthy food.



Cantate still takes place twice a week, alternating on Thursday, Friday and/or Saturday.

Cantate also has a ‘summer break’ from mid-December to the end of January. From then on, the season starts again already for the fifth time. Of course, we have had some meetings and hope that it will be a nice season again. Thanks to the sponsors EU, Kulungwana and the Pearl of Mozambique.

The other activities such as reading groups, games afternoon and painting are going well. On Tuesday we organize a reading activity with the children from the village and on the last Tuesday of the month with the Escolinha. Furthermore, there are the lessons against illiteracy, homework classes and the Tofu dance lesson.

Extra activities and workshops are regularly planned.We also spoke with Guildo Milagre, one of the local artists of the festival. In addition to his beautifully delivered wall art at the escolinha, he wants to do another activity. Together with Malela, Graciano, Juntos Fortes and Suzanne we are looking for the right cultural interpretation for this. Furthermore, a question has come in from Belemino Ramos of Ecovisium. He wants to use the Community Center to give workshops and lessons in the field of Woman empowerment, zero waste, environment and generating a steady income. We will consider this great initiative.


We want to ask Helpo for a small contribution for the use of the electricity. We also looked at the finances with Crispim and calculated that we can place five extra solar panels. With this we will be able to connect the entire posto de saude.


There has been a discussion with Sr. Silverio (the administrator) and Dr. Carlos about providing Dutch midwives on a voluntary basis. Everyone is informed and permission has been granted. They are looking forward to their arrival.

Licinia received a new stethoscope from Jan during his last visit to Lumbo, she is very happy with it. Unfortunately, the ultrasound machine does not work. After a lot of emailing and calling back and forth, even Crispim could not get it to work. We have now sent the ultrasound machine to Maputo. There is a company called GM Medical Equipment, which in addition to selling Mindray ultrasounds also has technicians in-house. We are waiting for their advice. The costs in Mozambique for a second machine are also being looked into.

In the meantime, Paulien is investigating what it costs in the Netherlands to purchase a second machine. People are completely helpless in Lumbo without an ultrasound.

Thanks to Paulien’s good contribution in June, the ultrasound and thus the entire maternidade have been given a district function. There is no other ultrasound machine around in the district.


The midwives would really like to have more lessons in suturing and removing the Implanon.

There is now a group of 4 interested midwife volunteers. Paulien, has spoken with Saya, Rosalie and Stephanie. A meeting is planned for 8 January 2025 with these four and Marjanne and Jan. Then hopefully a time schedule can be made in addition to other appointments.
Paulien would like to go to Lumbo again in March, Rosalie in May and Saya and her husband possibly in October.

There are 5 participants for the ultrasound lessons that the volunteers will give. All five have had to sign a contract to guarantee the mandatory attendance at the lessons.

Festival d’Arte

You can read all about the festival 2024 and the new plans on the head FESTIVAL.