This is already the last news of 2023. We were able to achieve wonderful things in Mozambique this year! And first of all we would like to thank you very much for that! The support of donors, friends, family, members of the support group, the Helpo foundation, there are too many to mention! Your support feels like a real Christmas present every year.
       We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.


Things are going well on the escolinha! We have had discussions with Andrea from the Helpo foundation and she is also very satisfied. Currently the only problem is lack of water. The cistern is not filling up, but we are working hard to resolve this.

The escolinha now has a new name, namely Centro Infantil Perola de Lumbo. For convenience, we will continue to use the name escolinha. The 5/6 year olds ‘graduated’ last November 24 and the rest will enjoy their well-deserved holiday until February 1, 2024. From that date we can welcome 120 students again!

The vegetable gardens did very well last June, making it possible to prepare delicious, healthy meals from our own garden. Such as matapa with covi (cabbage leaf) and moringa. Now, just after the dry season and the lack of water, this is unfortunately a lot less. But of course there are still plenty of moringa rolls being made..


We did have a brainstorming session with Andrea about possibly dealing with water shortages in the future. A permanent water supply is being considered for the coming years. such as a ‘furo de aqua’ (a drilled water well) about which more later.


Just like the escolinha, the community center is now almost a well-oiled machine. Cantata takes place on Friday afternoon and throughout Saturday. We also try to fill Thursday afternoon, but this is difficult to combine with school and sports activities. This year was also festively concluded with a concert in the chapel of the museum on Ilha de Mozambique and later also at the Community Center. The turnout was great!

Cantate is also closed from mid-December and will start its 4th season at the end of January. Of course we have had some meetings and it promises to be another great season. With thanks to the sponsors EU, Kulungwana and the Pearl of Mozambique.


The other activities such as reading groups, afternoons for games and painting are going well. On Tuesday we organize a reading activity with the children from the village and on the last Tuesday of the month at the escolinha. There are also lessons for literacy, homework classes and the Tofu dance class. Additional activities and workshops are regularly scheduled.

Berta is an asset to the Juntos Fortes team.

The library has been completely cleaned and stocked with new books and games. Every week ‘a book of the week’ is chosen by the kindergarten teacher. Marjon and her daughter also organized a workshop/party in November



In July we received the news that our dear, loyal gynecologist Adrienne had suddenly passed away. Very sad news, she was a great support through her visits and lessons in the maternidade, her advice on health and organizing the necessary materials that were then included in the suitcase. We will miss her very much.

This news was also received with great sadness in Lumbo and many tears were shed.   

Some hatches need to be repaired at the maternidade, but otherwise it looks fine. Licinia received Isha’s translated final report and we also discussed the new project together. Our wish is to start a midwifery team. They are very happy with this and hope that it will get off the ground.

It is clear that the materinade has now acquired a district function. The number of deliveries has increased again to 120 per month.


The first steps have been taken for the upcoming Festival d’Arte that will take place in August 2024. We brainstormed with Titos Pelembe and Pekiwa in Maputo and some really cool ideas emerged.

The invitation letter for the artists and musicians is ready, thanks to Titos. The conditions are clearly stated here and the promotional flyer is also ready. A place to stay was sought for the artists, from which 3 options remained. We will make a decision on this soon.

In the meantime, various organizations have pledged their cooperation and support. Including the Helpo Foundation (Portuguese NGO), Kulungwana (Maputo gallery), Cantate, the Dutch embassy and the director of Casa Cultural district Ilha.

It’s going to look promising and of course we will keep you informed about the progress.


New project Solar Panels

After a lot of research, calculations and looking for the right location, things are now really moving forward. Simon and Jan have collected all the information and contacted a South African company. They have now submitted a quote. A house has already been built for the battery(s) and transformer, next to the Community Center.

Extensive discussions were held with Father Eugenio of the Instituto Turismo (school for tourism run by Spanish nuns (Irmas). They will also purchase solar panels for the school through their head office in Spain. By combining our orders we can reduce costs. We are also allowed to use Crispin’s service completely free of charge: a trained local young man who will do the installation and periodic maintenance.

There are of course additional costs to be incurred for installing wiring between the three buildings and installing electricity in the building itself.

But it looks very good.

The boat with container leaves just before Christmas and arrives in Nacala in February, a second container will be sent in February.