Report visit Lumbo
In November I went to Lumbo again for two weeks to teach the midwives. Licinia was very happy to see me. The weather is fine. They do about 300 deliveries a month. The clinic has been refurbished after the storm and everything is functioning again. It’s nice to see. The personnel situation is also better, there are now 8 midwives, including a number of enthusiastic young ladies. The echo is fine. Licinia has mastered it well and she is now teaching others as well. The device has some defects, but still works fine. She asked me to bring hand vaccum pumps, the so-called Kiwi. In the Netherlands these are used once and then thrown away. After a good wash they can be used for a long time. Then you are not dependent on a pump, which was also broken at the moment. She was very happy with this. I taught them the usage. It was received enthusiastically. It saves a few references to a hospital again.
It was a good visit, also enjoyed the climate and surroundings of course.